Triple Canopy Media

Why Post on Social Media?

According to the Pew Research Center, social media use is well-established and stable. It is not going away. That is why social media should be an essential component of your content marketing plan.

About 90% of marketers agree. They say social media generates important exposure for their companies. Nearly 97% of all Fortune 500 companies use at least one social media network to communicate with stakeholders and advocates.

Social media stats

These statistics show why. According to the 2018 Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 87% of respondents experienced increased exposure from using social media, 78% reported increased website traffic, and 63% saw an increase in customer loyalty.

There are approximately 3.04 billion social media users worldwide, with global internet users spending 135 minutes daily on social media sites. About the same number — more than 3 billion — actively access social media on their mobile devices.

In the U.S., 79% of people have at least one social media profile, making the U.S. the largest social media advertising market in the world. Ninety percent of these folks reach out to brands or retailers.

That same percentage of consumers say they are more likely to buy from a brand they follow on social media over one they do not.

More stats

What Social Media Can Do For Your Business

Social media does more than generate important exposure for your business and help communicate with stakeholders and advocates. It also:

Make Your Choices

Now that you know why your business needs to have a social media presence, make sure you know the rest. Find out the demographics of the various platforms available. Learn about the platform preferences of each generation. Find out what makes good content.

Let Triple Canopy Media Do Social Media For You

Trust us. Social media is a key element for marketing success. If you’re not sure how to do your own social media, reach out to Triple Canopy Media. At Triple Canopy Media we would be glad to show you how it’s done. Or do it for you.

Here’s what we do:

  1. We assess your needs, determine which social media platforms will best serve them, and set up a regular process for sharing carefully crafted content about your business via selected platforms.
  2. We create a cohesive strategy and measurement plan.
  3. We integrate the plan across the organization.
  4. Finally, we use metrics to monitor content marketing performance and ROI.